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How to become a Master Personal Trainee

master personal trainer

A master personal trainer course will help you if you're already a certified personal coach and want to further your knowledge. For busy personal trainers, it is possible to take an online master trainer certification course. Being certified in the field gives you access to continuing education courses. These will allow your learn about the latest trends and techniques in the fitness sector. Some courses will teach you about nutrition, supplements, and specific types of exercise. A master trainer certification course is recommended for instructors looking to improve their skills.

You must be passionate about your job and the long-term goals of your clients to become a master trainer. It is a lucrative career choice, but you might face many clients initially who are reluctant to seek your help. In order to make this career change worthwhile, you must be passionate about your career and achieving a higher salary. But, master personal trainers do not have to be fitness gurus.

It may be hard to tell which credentials are superior than others but there is no shortage in highly qualified personal training professionals. Glute strength, exercise recovery, group fitness, and master trainer certifications can help you differentiate between a regular personal coach and a master trainer. A personal trainer may be able to provide guidance to clients across a range of interests, but a master instructor has the ability to dive deeper and resolve more difficult issues.

The four-year program must include specialized education in several fields to be able to become a master coach. You will be able to learn more about the science of fitness and biomechanics. You'll also learn to give exercise and training recommendations for various needs, including that of athletes with injuries and high-performance athletes. As a Master Personal Trainee, you will be able tailor a fitness program to meet the needs of your clients.

The AFPA Master Trainer Certification course teaches you all the latest information in the fitness industry. You'll have unmatched expertise in nutrition and performance, as well fitness for special population. The Master Personal Trainer Certification helps you market to local health clubs, hospitals, clinics, and senior facilities. Not only does a master personal trainer have advanced knowledge and training in various fields, they'll also have professional recognition that's hard to find elsewhere.

For master personal trainers, you will need to have a PhD in the field of fitness. But, it is not necessary. Phil Nicolaou, a Philadelphia personal training expert, has a PhD. He also has a medical fitness specialty. His experience in fitness and medical training has given him the ability to inspire others. Additionally, he is a member the elite of the field. A master trainer is someone who is skilled in the field and is passionate about helping others.

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Is Cardio Better Than Strength Training?

Both are equally excellent. Cardio is better if you are looking to build muscle faster.

Cardio burns a lot more calories per minute that strength training and is more effective at burning fat.

Strength training increases muscle mass but takes more time than cardio.

What's a good workout plan for 7 days?

A seven-day exercise program should consist of three days per week of cardiovascular training (running, biking, swimming), two strength exercises (using free weights, weight machines), and one flexibility/core workout (yoga, Pilates). Each activity should be done at least once per week. Each session should last no more than 45 minutes.

Cardiovascular Exercise: Running/Biking/Swimming

You should aim to get at least 60 mins of cardio exercise per week. To achieve the best results, aim to exercise for at least 75 minutes each week. Cardio exercise can stimulate blood flow and increase muscle growth.

Strength Training

Cardio exercises target the heart, lungs and muscles. Strength training targets the muscles, tendons and bones. Strength training is a great way to build lean muscle mass that helps you burn calories even if you are not actively exercising.

Flexibility & Core Workouts

To strengthen your whole body, flexibility and core work outs are excellent ways to do so. Both yoga as well as Pilates are great choices.

What is the best exercise routine to build muscle?

There are two main things you must do when building muscle mass. These include isolation exercises and compound movements. Isolation exercises target specific muscles while compound moves focus on multiple groups at once.

Your best option to improve your fitness is to work out with exercises that challenge all your major muscle group. This ensures that each session is challenging.

An app called MyFitnessPal allows you to keep track of everything. It allows you log everything, including calories burned and weight lifted. You can also create custom meal plans based on your goals.


  • 10 pounds in a month is likely during a lean bulking phase, especially for beginners. (muscleandstrength.com)
  • By John Thompson Take a whopping 38% off a set of PowerBlock Pros. (menshealth.com)
  • The PRS enabled risk stratification for overall prostate cancer and lethal disease with a four-fold difference between men in the highest and lowest quartiles (HR, 4.32; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.16-5.89). (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  • An estimated calorie range for moderately active adult males falls between 2,200 to 2,800 calories per day, depending on age. (eatright.org)
  • Candidates and applicants must pass all four tests at 70% (minimum level) to graduate from Basic Deputy U.S. Marshal (BDUSM) Training. (usmarshals.gov)

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How To

How can I exercise to burn fat?

Exercise reduces calories by increasing metabolism, and oxygen consumption.

Moderate intensity exercise is a safe way to lose weight.

These tips will help you burn fat and keep fit while exercising.

  • Cardio exercises include swimming, running or cycling.
  • For 30 minutes, do it three times a week.
  • Add strength training to your workouts if you are looking to lose more weight.
  • Avoid intense workouts. It is possible to build muscle without destroying muscle tissue.
  • During exercise, drink plenty of water. Water flushes out toxins, and keeps your body properly hydrated.
  • Choose low-fat protein shakes after working out. Protein shakes can help boost energy and repair muscles.
  • So you don’t feel hungry, eat smaller meals throughout your day.
  • Don't skip breakfast! Skipping breakfast can lead to fatigue and sluggishness.
  • Mental health is important. Stressful situations can slow down metabolism.
  • Keep a positive attitude. Studies have shown that people who are convinced they are overweight gain more weight than those who feel they look attractive.
  • Get enough sleep. A lack of sleep makes it difficult to lose fat.
  • Stay active. Make sure you get up and move every hour.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Eating right keeps you feeling full and satisfied longer.
  • Find relaxation methods. Your body won't release stress hormones that cause muscle tissue destruction if you have a tense mind.

A balanced diet is one that includes all of the essential nutrients required for growth.

You should eat six small meals per day rather than three large ones. This allows your body time to digest what you've eaten.

For strong bones to be maintained, you need approximately 500mg of calcium per day. Calcium is found in dairy products like yogurt, fortified milk beverages, orange juices, cereals and bread.

Calcium is found in leafy vegetables, beans and tofu, as well nuts, seeds and cheese.

Vitamin D is required for calcium absorption. Vitamin D can be found in egg yolk, fatty fish, and other fortified foods.

Vitamin E is crucial for skin health. Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils as well as wheat germ oil, peanuts and almonds.

Your body requires zinc for normal immune function and wound healing. Zinc can be found in seafood, legumes and meats.

Zinc deficiency could cause fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and depression.

Sugar intake can lead to insulin resistance which causes blood glucose levels to rise. Insulin resistance leads to weight gain.

High levels of free radicals can lead to insulin resistance. Free radicals can be molecules with unpaired electrons that cause damage to cell membranes.

Food additives, pesticides and herbicides, as well as preservatives, smoking and radiation are all sources of free radicals.

Free radical damage may lead to cancer, heart disease diabetes, arthritis, asthma and other conditions.

The best way to avoid free radicals is to eat a balanced diet high in antioxidants. Antioxidants protect against oxidative damage.

Antioxidant vitamins include Vitamin C (found in citrus fruits), beta carotene (found in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, cantaloupe, apricots, squash, mangoes, peaches, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, watermelon, and strawberries), and Vitamin E (found in nuts, olive oil, avocados, and eggs).

Other antioxidant nutrients include selenium, copper, manganese, and zinc.

Selenium protects cells against oxidative damage from free radicals. Selenium may be found in Brazil nuts as well tuna, liver and kidneys. It can also be found on shrimp, cod, turkey, beef lamb, pork, chicken, and other foods.

Copper protects your eyes, brain, eyes and red blood cell. Copper is also found in poultry, meat, and organs.

Manganese is an essential component of bone structure. Manganese is found in brown rice, spinach, bananas, prunes, raisins, oatmeal, and lentils.

Zinc is important for healthy growth, reproduction, and wound-healing. Zn can also be found in white fish, lean cuts of meat, poultry, and eggs.


How to become a Master Personal Trainee